You are the vital voice in America, and we’re here to empower you. At Plain Truth Now our mission is to bring you crucial information that you might not hear from the mainstream media. Too often, important stories are overlooked or buried deep on page 500 simply because they don’t fit a specific narrative. We believe that every American deserves access to the full story, unfiltered and unedited, and we’re committed to delivering it directly to you.
Our platform is intentionally free of advertisements. This choice enables us to maintain complete editorial independence and speak the truth without hesitation. Without the influence of advertisers, we are not pressured to suppress stories or alter our content to satisfy those who might otherwise pay for ad space. Our allegiance is solely to you and to the integrity of the information we provide.
We acknowledge that even some of our most trusted news sources can be beholden to special interest groups, which may inadvertently shape the news they deliver. In contrast, we stand independent and unencumbered by external obligations. This freedom allows us to remain vigilant and steadfast in our pursuit of truth. We encourage you to do the same—stay informed, question narratives, and seek out the full picture.
Thank you for taking the time to read our content and for joining us in this important endeavor. Together, we can foster a more informed and engaged citizenry. God Bless America.
Who are we?
We are United States citizens who care deeply about our country and its future. This site is a project of the nonprofit foundation “We Defend Truth,” an organization dedicated to bringing unvarnished truth to the American people. Our agenda is simple yet profound: Truth.
Our team is composed of journalists, researchers, and everyday citizens who believe in the power of information to inspire change. We are not driven by profit or influenced by special interests. Instead, we are motivated by a shared commitment to uphold the values of transparency, integrity, and accountability.
We invite you to join us on this journey toward a more informed America. Engage with our content, share it with others, and contribute to the dialogue. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference.
Stay vigilant. Stay informed. And thank you for standing with us.